I just received the first review for my book, The Malignancy. It was not as positive as I expected it to be. Apparently, my writing style is “all over the place.” I can accept that, I suppose. I never intended for The Malignancy to be my masterpiece. I did my best, but I realized it was never going to be truly great. Yet I still believe it to be an overall enjoyable read and a good start to my writing career. I put a lot of work into it and I am quite tired now. I have lots of ideas, much better than The Malignancy, and I do not plan to stop writing.
Besides, this is only one review. Different people like different books and three stars aren’t that bad if you think about it. Also, she did say that she still liked the overall story. If I can get a four-star average, then I will be happy with that. I will do whatever I can to sell this book because I believe it is a good read and because I need some good word of mouth.
There is a concern now that even if I market it well, the book will never sell enough to generate word of mouth because maybe it isn’t as good of a book as I originally thought it be. All I can do now is continue to spread the word and hope most of the other readers have a different reaction.
At the end of the day, I suppose writing anything is an accomplishment on its own. To any aspiring writers reading this with discouragement, I say continue on. Even though this first review was tough, I am still satisfied with what I have done. I enjoyed the process itself, and I am confident that I can improve any flaws in my writing through practice and further editing.
I have carried on with this blog. I will post stuff more stuff like this, chronicling my writer “journey.” More than that though, I will also post book reviews, writing tips, and snippets of whatever I am working on at the moment.
Thanks for reading,
