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Image of brown haired smiling white teenage boy with rosy cheeks in a dress shirt, beige pants with black belt, in a green ski jacket standing somewhere in the mountains in the winter.

Hi there

If for some reason you want to learn more about me, this is the place to do it. Here you go.

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What else is there to say? I don't like hay.

Yes, I am allergic to hay. And a bunch of foods as well, but I won't list those here in case someone tries to put a hit out on me one day. Can't make it too easy for them, can we? Now, what should I say about myself? It's hard to say what is too much. I'll just go for it.  

I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and I live with two loving parents and a sister. I have two dogs, Lucky and suzy, but they are getting kind of old now. Lucky is fairly obese, but we have her on a diet so she doesn't just collapse from gluttony one day. Fatally, that is. A fatal collapse. She already does tend to just topple over from time to time, but I think she is still alive. As of this writing, anyways. Sheesh.

I enjoy cooking, but I just follow recipes. I don't really have the skill to invent anything on my own. I don't really have a lot of skills, in general. I'm not that smart. Maybe average. I do get great grades though. High 80s and low to mid 90s across the board. My practical knowledge on certain things is low though. Street smarts are lacking, and although I do have a generally blue collar woking family, those skills did not pass to me. I won't be doing a trade. What's more, I am not very athletic, but unlike Lucky I am not fat. I suppose if I keep eating for pleasure I'll eventually gain weight and have a massive heart attack. I don't really care, to be honest. I like eating. Maybe I'll shake up my diet a bit though. I love salads and chicken and all sorts of healthy things. It's hard sometimes, you know? 

What else? Oh! Well, I do like to go skiing. I love the mountains and the fresh air. I don't know if I could live in a big city. It would be too suffocating. Edmonton is a big city, I guess, but I live in the suburbs so it's not the same thing. And when I mean big city I mean New York or Toronto.  I feel like it would just be so lonely and cold. Maybe I'll write something about that. Lots of people have covered loneliness already, but I'm sure I could add my own spin.

I do have Tourettes syndrome, which means that I have unsteady hands and restless legs. It also means that at the end of every day I kneel down in my washroom and let out all the tics which I had been holding in throughout the day. Tensing my arms, making sounds, but most importantly I imagine things. I don't know how to explain's like dreams or movies. I'm fully conscious and can stop ticking at any time. I am very fortunate that I have that ability. But when I do finally tic, it's kind of cool actually, because of what I see. It's like my imagination runs rampant. And those sounds I make are the action-packed sequences and I tense up my muscles in excitement. It's just the most bizarre, indescribable thing. Yet at last, I was able to articulate one of these so-called movies into written form. So when the psychiatrists ask what I see when I say that I see movies, I can now just hand them a copy of The Malignancy. It's a very satisfying new state of affairs, if I do say so myself. Now, don't get me wrong; the vast majority of the book, the small details, were written as I went. I had plenty of writers block at various points. Yet, the broad strokes of the plot were always there in my mind. It was very frustrating being unable to just get it down on paper. It took over​ a year and a half.

My biggest literary influences are probably Stephen King, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Micheal Scott (The Irish author, not the guy from The Office.) 

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